Sanitary environment

■ Oil-based stains are removed by passing water through Mechacera water.
■ "Mechacera Water " destroys cells (membranes) of organic substances and bacteria, etc., and sterilizes them at the same time
■ Chlorine concentration can be reduced to 1ppm.
Pig Farming and Mechacera Water
Raising breeding pigs
Breeding pigs can be used for meat production at 8 to 9 months of age. The gestation period is 114 days, and the number of piglets born at one time ranges from 9 to 15. These piglets are a large fattening breed, weighing 100-110 kg at 6 months of age, and are highly fertile and grow quickly enough to be used for food. They are used after two or three litters, but if they are exercised and raised robustly, 10 piglets can be raised in five years.
Nutrient intake mechanism of pigs
Pigs use their noses to eat potatoes with dirt in them, which they eat with the dirt. The digestive tract has a structure similar to that of humans, with a small The digestive tract has a structure similar to that of humans, with a small bump in the stomach. Bacteria living in the stomach help the pigs to digest fiber. Therefore, we need to provide them with good water, Water supply has a positive effect on the stomach and intestines, which results in better growth. Furthermore, forage is omnivorous, and the structure of the digestive tract and energy structure and energy is affected by water. Today's livestock production is mainly based on grain-based compound feeds, which require a certain amount of fiber. A certain amount of fiber is necessary for pigs, which are monogastric animals. In pigs, which are monogastric livestock, proteins and other substances are broken down into amino acids and absorbed through digestion.
Health Promotion with Mechacera Water
Studies have shown that Mechacera Water causes a hydroxyl radical reaction that promotes microbial activity in the stomach of pigs with respect to growth and increases resistance to disease. Also, studies have shown that it increases resistance to disease, improves gastric function, and increases resistance to disease. Mineral-rich water has been studied for its ability to supplement deficiencies of minerals and vitamins. It also aids in digestion, In the case of Odors, such as Ammonia, air pollution causes an overabundance of corticosteroids, which in turn causes a rapid decrease in the number of lymphocytes in the body, The lymphocytes in the body are rapidly depleted. Lymphocytes help prevent disease by fighting pathogens when they enter the body.
Improving Pig's growing environment with Mechacera Water
Temperature control, house air, dust, carbon dioxide, ammonia gas, humidity control, and the relationship between bacteria and infections were evaluated. The development of antimicrobial agents and the development of penicillin by Florey and Chain in 1940 led to a revolution in the treatment of bacterial infections and the development of pharmaceuticals. However, bacteria have the ability to develop resistance to drugs, and this is a never-ending battle that needs to be fought. However, bacteria have the ability to acquire resistance to drugs, so a never-ending battle is needed. The cause of the swine flu is currently being investigated as a countermeasure to the cause of the swine flu, but hydroxyl radical reactions have not yet been identified.
hydroxyl radical reaction is now considered to be a major factor in addressing barn hygiene, with systems in place to control norovirus, Legionella, and others. It is considered to be a major factor in barnyard hygiene. In addition, the environment is now free of biting flies, mosquitoes, rodents, cockroaches, and flies, and flies, and stress on the pigs has been eliminated.