👉 Mechacera Water maximizes the oxidative decomposion of Chlorine through a catalytic reaction that occurs when an aqueous Chlorine solution is brought into contact with special ceramics.
Outdoor Grease Trap

◉ Before the installation of the Mechacera device, a strong odor was generated.
June 16, 2018.
◉ The Grease Trap lid were not able to an open state, but after 6 months of installation of Mechacera device, the Bad odor was almost gone along with Scum.
as of December 10, 2018
Grease Trap with Mechacera Device on 2024-1-31

Kitchen Grease Trap

◉ Need NO electricity
◉ Deodorizes odors from grease traps
◉ Reduction of sludge (50-70%)
◉ Reduction of cleaning costs
◉ Maintains hygienic water quality by preventing bacterial growth
◉ Economical cleaning and maintenance
◉ Less clogging of pipes due to oil
◉ Saves money by using inexpensive Solid Chlorine
◉ Easy to handle and safe to use
◉ Easy to check Solid Chlorine consumption

The first day Mechacera device was set

◉ Cooking oil and soft scum were decomposed by the MechaCera system, and the amount of oil and scum covering the water surface was reduced.
◉ At the same time, the water quality has improved from a cloudy state to highly transparent.
Note: Those white hoses are bringging Mechacera Water into 3 Grease Traps.
3 days later after Mechacera device was set
Oxidative decomposition and Chemical reaction of oil-containing Wastewater
Most vegetable fats (oils and fats) used in food factories and kitchens are unsaturated fatty acids.
On the other hand, sodium hypochlorite water dripped with sodium hypochlorite is catalyzed by Mecacera,
NaCℓO + H₂O → NaOH + HCℓO
(Sodium hypochlorite) (Water) (Caustic soda) (Hypochlorous acid)
The reaction proceeds further to
HCℓO → HCℓ + [O] (hypochlorous acid)
(hypochlorous acid) (hydrochloric acid) (oxygen in its developmental stage = strong oxidizing agent)
The [O] (oxygen in its developmental stage) that is produced here acts as a strong oxidizing agent.
By the way, fats and oils (unsaturated fats) are hydrolyzed by oxidation, etc;
Hydrolysis CH₂OH
Unsaturated fat -----→ CnH₂n+1 COOH (fatty acid) + CH₂OH (glycerol)
Decompose into fatty acids and glycerin.
*The above reaction occurs even when “solid chlorine” is used.
Glycerin is a typical trivalent alcohol, which is soluble in water.
Fatty acids are insoluble in water as they are, but the [O] (oxygen in the developmental stage) produced in the catalytic reaction of Mecacera has a strong oxidizing effect, and most of the fatty acids are converted to propionaldehyde (C₂H₅CHO) in the initial stage.
Propionic acid and propionaldehyde are water soluble chemicals.
Further, through repeated oxidation reactions, propionic acid and propionaldehyde are converted to acetic acid (CH₃COOH) or acetaldehyde (CH₃CHO), which in turn are converted to CO₂ (carbon dioxide gas) and H₂O (water).
Under normal conditions, fat and water are incompatible and exist separately, but when they react with the above “MECHACELA WATER”, they become soluble in water, decompose fat (oil and fat), and cease to exist as scum.
Vegetable fats (oils) used in food factories and kitchens are mostly unsaturated fatty acids.
On the other hand, sodium hypochlorite water dripped with sodium hypochlorite is catalyzed by Mecacera,
NaCℓO + H₂O → NaOH + HCℓO
(Sodium hypochlorite) (Water) (Caustic soda) (Hypochlorous acid)
The reaction proceeds further to
HCℓO → HCℓ + [O] (hypochlorous acid)
(hypochlorous acid) (hydrochloric acid) (oxygen in its developmental stage = strong oxidizing agent)
The resulting [O] (oxygen in its developmental stage) acts as a strong oxidizing agent.
By the way, fats and oils (unsaturated fats) are hydrolyzed by oxidation, etc;
Hydrolysis CH₂OH
Unsaturated fat -----→ CnH₂n+1 COOH (fatty acid) + CH₂OH (glycerol)
Decompose into fatty acids and glycerin.
*The above reaction occurs even when “solid chlorine” is used.
Glycerin is a typical trivalent alcohol, which is soluble in water.
In addition, fatty acids are insoluble in water as they are, but the [O] (oxygen in the developmental stage) generated in the catalytic reaction of Mecasera has a strong oxidizing effect, and most of the fatty acids are converted to propionaldehyde (C₂H₅CHO) in the initial stage.
Propionic acid and propionaldehyde are water soluble chemicals.
Further, through repeated oxidation reactions, propionic acid and propionaldehyde are converted to acetic acid (CH₃COOH) or acetaldehyde (CH₃CHO), which in turn are converted to CO₂ (carbon dioxide gas) and H₂O (water).
Under normal conditions, fat and water are incompatible and exist separately, but when they react with the above “MECHASELA WATER”, they become soluble in water, decompose fat (oil and fat), and cease to exist as Scum.